Via its high-level research school (the CSC Graduate School), SysChem selects and trains the future leaders of chemistry R&D . This highly selective integrated Masters-PhD program offers multi- and trans-disciplinary training in complex systems chemistry suitable for academic and industrial careers.
Take on a young SysChem researcher and immediately add scientific, managerial and creative value to your innovation projects:
Experience acquired through practical work
During their Masters, as a complement to the extensive practical work, the students undertake 14 months of experimental work in 2 or 3 academic or industrial research laboratories in Strasbourg or abroad.
Training in the issues important to companies
The students follow a program entitled “entrepreneurship and innovation” (from research to the market) as well as training in “leadership & management” in which they are initiated into corporate culture.
International profiles for your subsidiaries abroad
Teaching is exclusively in English and recruitment is international. The foreign students are familiarised with European culture and constitute a pool of talent for your subsidiaries around the world.
“We do not expect the students to come to us, we take the initiative to prospect in order to recruit the best people”
Jean-Marie Lehn, Nobel Prize winner 1987
“We have the opportunity to recruit exceptional talents”
Robert Gresser
Former Vice President for Research and Innovation, SOLVAY
Our partners establish a special relationship with our students
Place your company at the heart of our teaching and integrate your industrial issues into the curriculum of the CSC Graduate School
By becoming a partner of SysChem and its research school, you will build a lasting relationship with the students and help to train tomorrow’s leaders. You will play a genuine part through industrial courses, company visits and potential placements.