Over 10 years of scientific success

Created in 2011, the Complex Systems Chemistry research cluster (known as “Labex CSC”) received €15m in funding under the Investment for the Future Programme (PIA) launched by the French state and implemented by the National Research Agency (ANR). This support, over the period from 2011 to 2020, provided funding for the most ambitious projects in the field of complex systems chemistry. The Interdisciplinary Thematic Institute SysChem is the successor to Labex CSC, integrating the CSC Graduate School (established in 2018), with a budget of €21.2m up until 2028 (€12.4m for the research cluster and €8.8m for the CSC Graduate School).

The funding granted between 2011 and 2020 in numbers

research projects funded
in funding committed
0 m€
to support the installation of 7 new teams in Strasbourg
0 m€
to encourage the emergence of young researchers
0 m€

The impact on Strasbourg’s scientific community

publications on research funded by the research cluster
~ 0
publications in Nature on research funded by the research cluster
successful ERC funding applications
in public or private contracts underway in 2020 including €14m in European funds
0 m€