Starting Grants
Proof of Concept Grants
Advanced Grants
Silver medals
Blaise Pascal medal
Izatt-Christensen Prize
The Izatt‐Christensen Award has been presented to recipients selected by their peers since 1991. The award recognises excellence in macrocyclic and supramolecular chemistry. It is one of the most prestigious prizes in the field.
Current programs:
MSCA IF T2DMOF (GA no. 101103585, 2023–25, Supervisor); MSCA COFUND AUFRANDE (GA no. 101081465, 2023–28, Supervisor), MSCA IF HyperABCD (GA no. 101109972, 2023–25, Supervisor), MSCA IF ChiralBoost (GA no. 101150852, 2024–26, Supervisor), MSCA IF Memcage (GA no. 101110293, 2023-25, Supervisor), MSCA DN MetRaZymes (GA no. 101073546, 2022-26, supervisor), Marie Curie DN MONALISA (GA no. 101169136, 2025–29, Coordinator). MSCA ITN ALLODD (GA no. 956324, 2021–25, WP leader)
Previous programs:
Marie Curie EST SUPER (GA no. 8128, 2004–08, Coordinator); Marie Curie RTN PRAIRIES (GA no. 35810, 2006–10, PI) & THREADMILL (GA no. 36040, 2006–10, PI); Marie Curie ITN SUPERIOR (GA no. 238177, 2009–13, Coordinator) & GENIUS (GA no. 264694, 2010–14, PI); MSCA ITN iSwitch (GA no. 642196, 2015–18, Coordinator), SYNCHRONICS (GA no. 643238, 2015–19, PI), BORGES (GA no. 813863, 2019–23, PI), UHMob (GA no. 811284, 2019–23, PI) & ULTIMATE (GA no. 813036, 2019–24, Coordinator); Marie Curie IEF HESPERUS (GA no. 219770, 2008–10, Supervisor), OPTSUFET (GA no. 235967, 2009–11, Supervisor), GREAT (GA no. 298246, 2012–14, Supervisor), RESPONSIVE (GA no. 326665, 2013–14, Supervisor), MULTITUDES (GA no. 326666, 2013–15, Supervisor) & GALACTIC (GA no. 628563, 2014–16, Supervisor); MSCA IF MULTI2DSWITCH (GA no. 700802, 2016–18, Supervisor), STELLAR (GA no. 795615, 2018–20, Supervisor), LA2DCOFS (GA no. 101027639, 2022–23, Supervisor) & MS2DCOFO (GA no. 101103395, 2023–24, Supervisor), MSCA ITN Euro-Sequences (GA no. 642083, 2015–18, Coordinator), MSCA IF NanoOxySens (GA no. 705826, 2017-19, Supervisor), MSCA IF DNANanoProbes (GA no. 846571, 2019-21, Supervisor), MSCA ITN FINELUMEN (GA no. 215399, 2008-12, PI), ERA-SPOT FLEX-OPTEC (2006-08), OLLA (FP6-2003-IST-004607, 2004-07, PI), RTN FAMOUS (HPRN-CT-2002-00171, 2002-06, Coordinator), Marie Curie ITN READ (GA no. 289723, 2012–16, PI), Marie Curie ITN DYNANO (GA no. 289033, 2012–14, PI), Marie Curie IF NaDyPe (GA no. 292281, 2006–10, Coordinator), Marie Curie ITN ArtMoMa (GA no. 860434, 2020–24, Coordinator), FET Open MAGNIFY (GA no. 801378, 2018–23, PI)
9 members of the University Institute
of France (IUF)
Members :
Members of the materials division :
Members of the chemistry division :
Members :
Members :